If The Streets Were On Fire
2023 BIFA BestFeature Documentary and Raindance Maverick Award Winner
Directed by
Alice Russell
In a country where years of austerity have pushed people to their limits, violence incubates; where racism and prejudice are ingrained in the systems of authority, inequality persists. Through BikeStormz, social activist Mac has created a movement for kids across London that creates a safe space to be free and express themselves beyond any threats. A torrent of young people glide through the city on their bikes, doing wheelies, tricks, death-defying acrobatics and cheering as they hurtle through the postcode-neutral space of London’s heart. Yet as they come together and find ways to express themselves through biking – the kind of liberation that surfers and skateboarders eulogize – they are challenged with the threat of arrest by the police and accusations of anti-social behaviour.
- Director Alice Russell
- Producer Gannesh Rajah
- Associate Producer Careen Hertzog
- Associate Producer Harley Hessel
- Associate Producer Mark Kelsey
- Associate Producer Simon Hessel
- Executive Producer Julia Nottingham
- Executive Producer Lynn Nwokorie
- Executive Producer Lisa Marie Russo
- Co-Composer Aaron Cupples
- Co-Composer Temesgen Samuel
- Cinematographer Ruben Woodin Deschamps
- Editor Xanna Ward Dixon
What the Press
Are Saying
If The Streets Were On Fire Wins Two Bifa Awards For Best Feature Documentary And The Raindance Maverick Award
The Times
If The Streets Were On Fire Included In What To Watch This Week
Film London
If The Streets Were On Fire - A Ride Through Documentary Filmmaking In London
★★★★ The Guardian
If The Streets Were On Fire Review - Hope On Show As Bikestormz Riders Fight Knife Crime